Virtually There
18 March - 6 June 2021
Lockdown has presented us with many challenges. As we slowly start to plan to reopen on 20th May, some of our studio artists have come up with ways of presenting their work in a virtual space.
Presenting, Virtually There, an exhibition that asked any interested A.P.T members to think outside the limitations of a physical gallery and present a collection of work, which wasn’t confined to a physical space. No budget necessary, scale of work uninhibited and practicalities of construction erased. What types of work would you produce in a virtual world?
6 A.P.T artists have taken on board the challenge to create a virtual gallery. Across 12 weeks, 6 virtual exhibitions will take place, each for 2 weeks.
Please click on the artists names to see the work that featured in this virtual exhibition from 17 March - 6 June 2021 :
Fran Cottell, A Soft Shoe Shuffle - 17 March - 28 March
Margaret Higginson, Touch Stone Touch Wood - 30 March - 11 April
Nicola Rae, Submerged - 13-25 April
Liz Harrison, Twilight - 29 April - 9 May
Paul Malone, Movies in Situ - 11 - 23 May
Chris Marshall, Ruptured - 25 May - 6 June