Richard moved in his studio in March 2020
Richard Rigg reproduces and manipulates everyday objects, turning them into theoretical conundrums or playful propositions. He asks us to look at the everyday again. Drawing upon the history of science, mathematics and literature, Rigg’s works at first glance often seem deceptively simple, but pitch reason against itself to undermine our rational and habitual understanding of the meaning of an object.
Richard Rigg was born in 1980 Penrith, Cumbria. In 2005 he completed a BA(hons) in Fine Art at Newcastle University. Selected exhibitions include; After Noon Distance , Workplace Gallery, Gateshead,; Chance Finds Us, MIMA, Middlesbrough; The Difference Loom, Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town; Quiet Works, Temple Contemporary, Philadelphia,; Lacuna, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, The Inhabitant of the Watchtower, High Desert Test Sites, Joshua Tree, California, Broken Fall (organic), Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna,; Suns Neither Rise Nor Set, Royal College of Art, London,; Morphic Resonance, PSL, Leeds.
Richard Rigg is represented by The Workplace Foundation based in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, supporting a diverse platform of critically engaged artists outside the commercial gallery context.
I forgot what was said when we were outside, stood empty, now without those words I fell back, 2010
Telegraph poles, wire, 672 x 15 and 660 x 14 cm
I forgot what was said when we were outside, stood empty, now without those words I fell back, 2010
Telegraph poles, wire, 672 x 15 and 660 x 14 cm
A Clearing, 2012
Corrugated Iron, Lead, Featherboard, Oak Beams, Siberian Pine, Plywood, Timber, Fibreglass, Glue, String, Nails, Screws, Iron Hinges, Latch, Paint, Carbide Lamp, Bulb, Cable, Wire, Plastic tubing, Newspaper, Castors, Peat, Twigs, Feather, Various Soils, Granite, Gneiss, Sandstone, Basal Quartzite, Limestone, Slate, Rainwater, Festuca Ovina, Gnaphalium supine, Deschampsia flexuosa, Carex capillaries, Carex curvata, Calluna vulgaris, Muhlenbergia rigens, Tortula Muralis, Dicranoweisia crispula, Sphagnum mosses, Tortella bambergeri, Cobwebs, Dust
340 x 510 x 390 cm
After Noon Distance, 2013
Subway light, Wire, Steel, Plastic, Rubber, Battery
Dimensions Variable
Song, 2014 Three Leaves, Black Tubing, Diaphragm Pump, Dimensions Variable
Song (Installation View)
Cloth Arranged to Look Like a Jacket (Self Portrait), 2010 Cloth, 10 x 60 x 44 cm
363°, 2005 Plastic, Diameter 10 cm
This One, The Next, and The One After That, 2009
Water Tank, Valve, Wood, Electronic Circuit, Quartz Clock, Dimensions Variable
The fort was here before it was built, 2010 Cyanotype, Shadowgram, 34.2 x 26.8 cm
Two Writing Desks, False Drawer, 2009 Wood, brass, adhesive, 148 x 73 x 56 cm
Now That We Are Apart, I Don't Know You Anymore, 2005
Radio, FM Radio Transmitter, Batteries, CD-Player, Sound Recording
Dimensions Variable
Pencil Drawing, 2006 Pencil, glue, 0.5 x 7 x 7 cm