Come and join our board….

APT Gallery & Studios is looking to recruit up to five new Trustees to join our active and engaged Board.  
This is an exciting time for APT, as we work to ensure we have a resilient organisation for the future.  The Trustees have undergone a process of internal evaluation over the last year, identifying skills gaps in our current board, to ensure that APT is governed with the expertise and diversity it requires to thrive. 

Deadline for Applications 30 June 2022


There are currently 5 APT Trustees, each having a specific area of responsibility towards realizing the aims of the Charity.     We are now looking for up to 5 candidates to strengthen the skillset of the board, with skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: 

  • Artist or Curator with an excellent industry profile 

  • Legal expert with understanding of charity, property and employment law 

  • Public sector experience with knowledge of local communities in South London or a connection to our local area 

  • Fundraiser with experience in Income generation, Trust & Foundations and public funding.    

  • Financial professional with knowledge of charity financing 

To Apply

To apply, please send: 

  • A CV plus a written statement (see details below) 

  • Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form 

Your CV should be no more than two sides of A4.  This should be a brief summary of your employment history and any qualifications, any membership of professional bodies, any other directorships, and details of any publications or awards.  What is relevant to include here will depend on the kind of professional background you have and which of the five identified skills areas you can bring to APT.   

Your supporting statement should be on no more than two sides of A4.  Please set out why you are interested in becoming a Trustee and how you meet the criteria.   Please draw on any experience and skills you have developed both in your professional and non-professional life, which demonstrate how you meet the criteria. 

The Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form will be kept separate from your application.

Applications should be sent in as a PDF documents and titled as your name. The Diversity Monitoring Form should be sent as a separate document with no reference of your name. All documents should then be sent to by 30 June 2022 

If you have any access requirements that might make completing this Application Form difficult, then please get in contact with us ahead of the deadline to discuss alternative options, or 0208 694 8344

We strongly encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply, as we are keen for our work to be informed by and representative of the diverse communities we serve

Trustee Pack (PDF)

Trustee Pack (Word)
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form (PDF)
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form (Word)