
11 - 21 January 2024
Thurs to Sun, 12-5pm

Private View :
Thursday 11 January, 6-8pm

A presentation of paintings by Kieron Simms & Peter Can Bellamy, with a new Film by Peter Wareing. On attending the exhibition you are politely asked to bring a mate with you, especially if they are not in the art world.

Scroll down for further information about the talks and film screenings taking place throughout the exhibition.


Kieron Simms and Peter Can Bellamy are both Graduates from the Wimbledon College of Art and both keep their studios in south London.

The works on display reconfigure stretched surfaces, dissolve arbitrary definitions of front and back, top and bottom. The paintings retrace forgotten grounds, folds, divisions, and chromatic cues. While the artists operate within different factions of the medium, both are involved in a rigorous investigation of material and surface.

'MATES' the title of the exhibition, is both an observation and explanation. The show aims to reconcile the conflicting approaches of two painters by exploring subdued dialogues. The works presented developed - often unbeknownst to the artists - out of discussions, arguments, agreements, and differences both offhand and considered.

Unsure of who first worked on the verso surface, both artists started utilising the front and back of the Paintings. Applying paint to one side and the other, pushing the limits of the painted surface and testing the painting process.

The exhibition will meet new voices and contributors, invited artists will be asked to ‘bring a mate’, to talk about what the word means to them and the wider community, through a series of workshops and talks.

The New Zealand artist and film maker Peter Wareing has been commissioned to produce a new film for the show. Filmed over the three years, the work serves as a document of a relationships between the artists. Screenings and Q & A’s will take place during the run of the show. 

Participating artists


Thursday 11th January

18:00 - 20:00
Private View

Sunday 14th January

Exhibition tour with Keiron Simms and Peter Can Bellamy.

Film Screening and Q & A with Peter Wareing, Kieron Simms and Peter Can Bellamy.

Saturday 20th January

Exhibition tour with Peter Wareing, Keiron Simms and Peter Can Bellamy.

Film Screening and Q & A with Peter Wareing, Kieron Simms and Peter Can Bellamy.