1982-83 CHELSEA COLLEGE OF ART: Masters Degree in Fine Art /painting
1979-82 WIMBLEDON SCHOOL OF ART: Bachelors Degree {honours) in Fine Art/Painting
1978-79 JACOB KRAMER COLLEGE OF ART, LEEDS: Art Education Foundation Diploma

Solo Exhibitions

2012-15 Recent Paintings: Riverside Gallery, Lewisham Hospital. London
2012 New work: Urban Space. Los Angeles , USA
2009 Paintings: APT Gallery. London
2009 Big Paintings: The Conservatoire. London
2007 Moon-Bow-Jakes Gallery. London
2006 Paintings and Prints: Preview Prints Space. Phoenix, Arizona, USA
2004 Painting and drawing: Gallery CelCuk. Zurich, Switzerland
2003 Prints: Preview Prints Space. New York, USA
2002 New Work: Angela Flowers Gallery. London
2002 New Paintings: Gallery M. London
2001 Paintings: Apt Gallery. London
1999 Paintings: Eccles and Daniels Gallery. London
1997 Recent paintings: Flowers East Gallery. London
1996 Paintings: Gallery M. London
1995 Drawings: Preview Prints. New York, USA
1993 Paintings: Angela Flowers, Dawneen. County Cork, Ireland
1992 New work: Angela flowers Gallery. London
1991 Paintings and drawings: Woodlands Art Gallery. London
1990 Paintings: Drumcroon Art Gallery. Wigan
1989 River Thames Drawing: Flowers Graphics. London
1988 Paintings: Angela Flowers Gallery. London
1986 Paintings: Angela flowers Gallery. London
1983 Artist of the Day: Angela Flowers Gallery. London 

Selected Group Exhibitions

2015 Small is Beautiful: Flowers Central Gallery, Cork Street. London
2015 Twenty Years: APT Gallery. London
2015 Paintings: The lovely Gallery. London
2014 Small is Beautiful: Flowers Gallery New York. New York, USA
2014 Exchange: Pulchri Art Gallery. The Hague, Holland
2014 Portfolio: Cartwright Hall Art Gallery. Lister, Bradford
2012 Greenwich Artist: Clifford Chance Exhibition Space. London
2012 Uncaught Hares: The Stephen Lawrence Galley. London
2012-13 First Come First Serve: Lion and Lamb Gallery. London
2009 East: Apt Gallery. London
2009 Paintings: The Blackheath Conservatoire Gallery. London
2008 Love: flowers East Gallery. London
2006 Two Person Show, with David Webb: The Blackheath Conservatoire. London
2005 Apt artists group show: Apt Gallery. London
2004 Small is Beautiful: Flowers East. London
2003 The Painting Show.The Angela Flowers Gallery. London
2002 The London Group Show: Woodlands Art Gallery. London
2000 Gallery Artist Show: Selcuk Gallery. Zurich, Switzerland
1999 Transforming the crown: Museum of Harlem. New York, USA
Transforming the crown: The Kenkeleba  Gallery. New York, USA
1997 New Paintings: The African Diaspora Institute. New York, USA
1995 The London Group Show: The Barbican Galleries. London
1993 Emerging artists: The Kenkeleba Galleries. New York, USA
1992 The Dub Factor: Curated by Eddy Chambers. Toured show: Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham; Mosely Art Galleries and Museums, Ipswich; City Museums and Galleries, Bristol; Bracknell Art Gallery
1992 Ten artists: Arundel Art Gallery. Arundel, UK
1991 Flowers Artists: Cork City Museum and Galleries. County Cork , Ireland
1990 Big Paintings: Barbican Galleries. London
1990 Art Aid: Royal Academy of Art. London
1989-92 Basle Art Expo: Basle, Switzerland
1988 Chicago Art Expo: Chicago, USA
1987 Process and Product: Turnpike Art Gallery. Manchester
1986 Creation for Liberation: Brixton Art Gallery. London
1984 Portraits: Battersea Arts Centre. London
1983 Stowels Trophy Exhibition: Royal Academy of Arts. London 

Selected Bibliography

2014 Black Artists in British Art: Eddy Chambers
2014 30 years of Artist of the day: Flowers Gallery
2014 Artist of the day: The Financial Times
2012 Uncaught Hares: The Stephen Lawrence Gallery
2008 Abstract Paintings: The Metro Publications
2000 Dinosaurs Blood: Caroline Saunders
1999 Transforming the Crown: Museum of Harlem
1995 Art Today: Edward Lucie-smith
1992 The Dub Factor Eddy Chambers
1990 Anthony Daley Paintings: Drumcroon Art Gallery
1990 The London Group: The London Group
1988 Modern Painters: Peter Fuller
1988 Catalogue: Angela Flowers Gallery
1983 Artist of the Day: Angela Flowers Gallery


1984 Author Boise Award Fellow
1986 The Peter Mendellson Painting Fellowship Award
1995 Preview Prints Drawing Residency/ Phoenix, Arizona
1994 Pollock-Krasner Painting Fellowship
1996 Celcuk Painting Residency Award/ Zurich

Work in Public Collections

2014 The National Portrait Gallery collection/London
2014 The Cartwright Hall Art Gallery/Bradford
2012 Lewisham Healthcare Hospital Trust/London
2000 The Tate Collection/UK
