Stanley Tilyard-French

Stanley Tilyard-French is a British artist from Brighton, based in London. He graduated from Chelsea College of Arts with a first in BA Fine Art in 2020.  He performs counterproductive tasks and builds work to perform it for him. Using digital components such as servos and motors he makes work to primarily consider its useless functionality. He leaves clues to how the work might function but programs inconsistencies to indicate it might be out of order. Often inviting some form of interaction or participation; he invites the audience to consider themselves an unpaid performer. His work is playful and silly, often directing the joke at the viewer or itself. He likes to consider the edges to his artworks, the room it is sat in, the people surrounding it, the YouTube border around a video on a laptop, and makes work self-referential to this.

Stanley Tilyard-French

APT Studios

6 Creekside SE8 4SA

instagram @stanleytilyardfrench